Another Successful Proof Load Testing utilizing Water Load Bags
DOOWIN contracted this 320T proof load testing service for TIE JIAN ZHUANG 01.
TIE JIAN ZHUANG 01 is one pile driving barge belonging to CRCC. Its pile frame high is 108 meter, which is one of Chinese highest pile driving barge. After the periodic maintenance, have to do the proof load testing.
This pile driving barge have three crane hooks. We did the 200t proof load test for each hook firstly. Then, did the 320T proof load testing for each two hooks together. For this proof load testing, we use 6 units 50ton water load bags, 2 units 15ton water load bags. Because its pile frame cannot rotate. So we have to use one assisting barge. It also make the working more trouble.
Finally, DOOWIN team successfully finish this proof load testing utilizing water load test bags.

About Crane Test Weight Water Load Bags
DOOWIN water filled proof load bags with capacity from 1 to 100 tonnes provides an easy, safe and highly cost effective solution for the load testing all kinks of lifting equipments. Water filled weight bags offer a significant advantage over alternative methods in that water can be applied gradually and precisely. The potential problems can be identified long before maximum load weight is reached.
The use of water filled proof load test water weight bags is recognized world wide as the most effective and safest solution.
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